thinking of it...
iam so high again in skol 2day...
tapau...6 packets of nasi lemaks...
hmm... tats y andrew n i were late to skol..
sorry leT.T
howeva.. the kind prefect just let us go ny..^^
cuz we ar new in mhs... bo pian xD...
diu lar...
when i reached dewan, the king has reserved me a place..
just next to gurl nia... z him..
makes me so pai seh..(jk ny)
i wont pai seh de... kakaz
the moment starts the practicing for performance..
i ard predicted my group is losing..
cuz.. iam the one..==
who always playing in the group ...
performed and lost..
itu dia...
qing n his mui mui's group won..
After recess...we ar seperate into our own classes.
dam it, when the guy announce the physics class's name,
my name was not in the list,dam it.
giv me so leceh hav to find the teacher to settle it
that teacher said sure is i nvr hand up my form,
tats y my name was not in.
Lastly, he took out all the forms n did a scanning on my name,
and my name was found.
ceh.. u noob say la..
say i dint hand up . :D
ceh ceh~
i was put into Lower6 Epsilon...
wtf... 3rd class out of 3 physics classes
n i really..u noe?? tulan tulan n tulan..haha
cuz those teachers always mention,
sekolah klaster. nah _l_
how can a sekolah klaster having foating classes on F6?
my class was placed in physics lab..
just has almost 20 students in my class..
BOYS:got kuai lan one, got kam lan one..wat also hav la..
kenny, velu, pigu, julian n me ar in the same class^^
tis time ho seh lo..
how to study lidat?
but luckily, velu is going to leave MHS in a month time.
ceh ceh..==
2day, our P.A n Math T teacher came in..
PA teacher nothing speacial..
that math teacher, mr.teoh..
lol la..
cant tahan his pattern, cute like doraemon
at first, he wants to giv us 5 math questions as homework everyday,
but after our objections,
he turns the homework into 3 questions..
i pulak go ask him wether can bcome 2 questions bo..?
"U better go n cha kueh tiao " he told me==
lan c pulak.
howeva,he is a good teacher, as my friend says@_@
for now,i think there ar only 6 gurls in my class??
lol... boys ar so dangerous le, cuz gurl ar so less.
noob noob>_<
Unity is strength..
our unity has voted kuen(chee hsien) as monitor..
in no way he can reject it^^
but for the assistance monitor,sure u noe is who ard la..
we ar going to vote too..==
husband n wife ryte? xD
when i passed by jian hong's class,
i purposely step on the floor loudy,
unfortunately,the teacher heard n saw me..
she told her class"ini macam anak gajah,dont learn from him"
then i nothing to say lo..
time table has out..
yea... every copied it..
i just captured it down..
lazy a.. xD..
wat to do..
they do not wan to carry out spot checks for mobile phone.
2day after skol dismissed...
i bought many junk foods for 2molo party in class
enjoy wat. xD
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